Ways To Deomonstrate Good Manners While On The Ship
Another way to show respect for others is by tipping the wait staff and maid staff. Many people think they don't have to do this because they paid in advance for the cabin and the food, but in reality, cruise should be treated the same way as hotel rooms or restaurants. Most employees aboard these ships work very hard so you can have the best trip possible. This includes keeping everything clean, preparing and serving excellent food, and being as friendly as possible when you have a question or comment. Treating other people with respect does not end once you board a cruise ship. If you are polite to people, they will be polite to you as well.
Cleaning up after yourself when you are relaxing on the deck or at the pool is a sign of good manners. Even though the cleaning staff helps to keep the sip clean, you should do your part by throwing away trash, returning glasses, and picking up all personal items before leaving an area. This is not only considerate to the staff, but also to the other guests on the cruise.
Having manners and respect for others while on a cruise should also extend to port cities when you are visiting. This includes being friendly, putting all trash in garbage cans, and not being too loud when in a crowd of other people. Many people do not like tourists because they are rude. Show them that there are nice people on cruise ships by being respectful of their city at all times.
Many cruise lines have a formal dress code for certain restaurants or days of the week. Find out about this dress code before your trip so you will be able to bring the correct clothing. If you don't want to participate in this type of dinning situation, find a cruise that does not have formal dress codes or stay in your room and order food in. Being disrespectful by wearing casual clothing to a formal dinner is not considered good manners. While you may not want to dress up, there are those who will. Showing good manner during these times will make the cruise more pleasant for everyone.
Clinton Maxwell often edits articles on things relating to Murcia and La Manga. You can find his writings over at http://www.alicante-spain.com/torrevieja.html and different sources for Torrevieja knowledge.Bunny Blog81557
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