Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Information Commonly Found On Promotional Items

When it comes to promotional items, there is a limited amount of space for what you get imprinted. When you think of the common promotional items you see, like pens, water bottles and baseball type caps, what you place onto the promotional items needs to remain focused and informative enough to draw customers to your door. Of course, items like notebooks, conference folders and key rings that are often passed out at expos and meetings can have quite a bit more information on them.

Things that you can use to determine what you imprint on your promotional items:

1. What the items are

2. Where you will be distributing these items

3. Who will be picking up these items

A common misconception is that a business can just print anything on items for anyone. This wont be an effective way to advertise. For example, if you are distributing promotional items to a community of retirees who have very little computer experience and the item only has a web address on ityou will get very few new customers! However, distribute something with a phone number on it and your phone may begin to ring off the hook!

Dont think of promotional items as you would newspaper advertising, either. You will never be able to fit that much information on the typical promotional product.

Things that you can consider placing on promotional items:

1. Company name this should be placed on a promotional item first and foremost. Although logos are often well known and can easily be recognized, for a younger business a logo may mean nothing to many people. A company name will be easily located in business phone directories, as well.

2. Company logo if you have a logo, having some kind of graphic on your promotional items to break up the print is often effective and draws the eye.

3. Company phone number or website address here is where you need to determine your audience. With cell phones so common in todays society, a phone number may be the better choice. When the promotional item has the space, you can consider adding both the phone number and the web address. (If you will be attending some kind of technology conference and distributing your promotional products there, you may choose the web address and have just as much success with it.)

4. Company address this takes a lot of space and many promotional gifts just dont have that kind of room. However, on items like bumper stickers, key rings, and conference folders, room is not that much of an issue and an address may draw customers right to your door!

Experiment with different items and different information each time you order promotional products. Find what works well and what doesnt and keep using that information that brings you the most business.

For more information on promotional items, products and gifts check out some of the leading online suppliers today where you can tap into their wealth of experience to ensure that your next marketing campaign is well targeted and sets off on the right footing.

Tina Rinaudo is one of the leading lights in the UK promotional products industry. Tina is a key member of YesGifts, the UK's fastest growing online promotional items resource specialising in promotional pens, mugs, mouse mats, umbrellas, conference items and much more. For more information please visit Blog74204
Aridatha Blog74567

The Evolution of Video Game Systems

I used to be an arcade nut. I spent most of my time in the local video games hot spots to play the latest fighting, shooting, and racing games. I would also frequent the video game stores at the mall with my friends. We would compete against each other in popular arcade games like Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat. Video games were a teenagers favorite pastime back in the early 90s. I must have spent a fortune in quarters in those video games machine.

Its almost the same when I would tell customers how much they had spent on video rentals so far. I always find this quite amusing. The customers first reaction would usually be a wince; then they would snicker at the ridiculousness of it all, but finally most of them went home ticked off. I think some of them wanted to have their money back. Thats just the way people are. What they dont know wont hurt them. Well, most of the time anyway. Nevertheless, when it comes to arcade and video games systems, millions of people were hooked long ago. The only significance nowadays is that modern video games systems for homes have become more advanced and sophisticated.

Arcades nowadays are not as popular as it was during my time. Most kids these days are investing in video games system of their own. Systems like Game Cube, Playstation 2, and Xbox are very popular. Why would kids go to local arcades and to spend their money on video games, when they can simply receive a system of their own during their birthday or at Christmas? Modern personal video games are not very expensive and most kids can own portable versions like the Gameboy Advance Sp. The advancement in gaming makes personal video games more fun and exciting.

Video games during my childhood and teenage years seem prehistoric when compared to contemporary video games systems. The first system I owned when I was in elementary school was an Atari. Then later down the road, video games systems evolved into Nintendo. These games are obsolete in comparison to modern systems, but they represent the evolution of video games into their present status. This evolution will only continue and you can expect more exciting developments to video games systems. Hop online and discover the latest games, models, and accessories.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Video Game Systems. Get more information by visiting Blog85035
Ashlan Blog99165

Photographing Alaska from a Cruise Ship

Last month, we took a cruise through Alaska's Inside Passage on Cruise West's Spirit of Endeavour. Prior to the trip, we weren't sure what our photography options would be. Usually we're up before sunrise shooting, and then scouting during the day, returning late afternoon to a few select spots. We knew on a cruise we wouldn't have this type of control over where and when we'd be able to do our photography. We ended up being very pleasantly surprised at the wildlife and landscapes we were able to photograph. You can see our photos from our trip on our website.

Based on our trip, we have some tips on how you too can get some great photos on your Alaskan cruise:

1. Take your cruise on one of the smaller ships. The Spirit of Endeavour carries 102 passengers and is one of the smallest cruise ships touring the Inside Passage. Some of the larger ships we saw carried over 2000 passengers. Due to its size, our ship could dock at many of the smaller ports and cruise in shallower waters than the larger ships. When we were in port, we were 2 of 102 people getting off the ship, rather than a pair among thousands.

2. Choose you itinerary based on your photographic priorities. We wanted to see and photograph wildlife. So we chose the Cruise West itinerary that made a stop in Hyder, where both brown and black bears fish in the same stream.

Our trip also included a full day in Glacier Bay National Park, and a day cruising in Tracy Arm and Frederick Sound.

3. Sunrises, sunsets, and "golden light" photos are going to be tough to get. In general, the cruise ships do their traveling starting late afternoon/early evening, through the night, and early morning. This is to arrive at your destination when "rational" people want to be up and about (typically after breakfast, and ending before dinner at the latest). So during the typical hours that we would be out for landscape photography (before sunrise to one hour after, and one hour before sunset until dark), the boat is traveling between locations. We were fortunate that much of the trip was overcast (which makes for nice, diffuse light for wildlife photography), and we passed some scenic locations while traveling. Landscape photos taken from the ship were done hand-held, usually with an image stabilized lens - using a tripod on a moving ship is not that helpful.

4. Sign up for shore expeditions early. Some of our best photos came from our jet boat trip to the LeConte Glacier.

This was one of the two shore excursions we signed up for on the trip. There were less than 20 spaces available on the excursion, and they filled up quickly. We made our shore excursion reservations at least a month in advance, and we got some of the last few spaces on this particular trip.

Note that the side trips cost extra, but the trip to LeConte Glacier was well worth it.

5. Bring lots of film or storage space for digital files and take lots of photos. Between the two of us, we took close to 6000 photos on our cruise. The photographic opportunities on the trip were amazing. So be sure to pack lots of film or storage media for your digital camera. Even better, take along a laptop computer or backup storage device so you can reuse your storage media during the trip.

6. Bring your long lenses. This was one trip where we really appreciated having our longest lenses with us. Bill's main setup for the week was his Canon 100-400 lens, a 1.4X teleconverter, and a Canon 20D (which has the 1.6 digital multiplier effect due to the smaller sensor). Patty mainly used a Canon 5D (full frame sensor) and a Canon 70-300 lens.

A wide angle lens is a must when traveling through the fjords, however.

7. Talk with the ship's crew about photo spots. The ships (and their crew) visit these same locations week after week.

They know more or less what to expect in terms of scenery and wildlife. On our cruise, there were two expedition specialists who provided all sorts of information about the locations we were visiting, and the wildlife we would be seeing. In addition, one of the deckhands was an avid photographer, he let us know about a couple of specific places to look for eagles and other wildlife.

8. This type of cruise is a good compromise for the group with photographers and non-photographers. There was plenty of sightseeing for the non-photographers (as long as they were into scenic landscapes, wildlife, whale watching and such) and plenty of chances for photography. This also makes a nice way to see a number of locations in a brief time, for those who don't have a whole lot of time to spend.

This way we could take notes on where we might want to go for a photo trip to spend more time looking for specific subjects.

We hope our tips will help you get better photos on your Alaskan cruise. Have fun!

Patty Hankins & Bill Lawrence are the co-owners of Hankins-Lawrence Images, LLC, a digital photography company based in Maryland. HLI Photonotes, their monthly ezine, provides information and tips for photographers. To subscribe email with subscribe in the subject or visit Blog43751
Betsey Blog64210

Why Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Can Be Beneficial

Several studies show hypnosis can help you lose weight, give up smoking, achieve other goals and suffer less pain

To sceptics, hypnosis is mumbo-jumbo, but scientific evidence now shows that hypnosis and self-hypnosis can help people to overcome problems. It has can help people:

* Stop over-eating and reduce weight
* Stop smoking
* Reduce excessive drinking
* Stop gambling

Of course, you must want to end these problems. During your normal mental state you may not be prepared to take the trouble needed to overcome the addiction - and may not admit it is an addiction - but if you ever think "I want to stop smoking" or drinking, etc, then there is a good chance that hypnosis will help.

How does it do so? Hypnotism - that is the act of being hypnotised - has been shown to alter the mental state. Different electrical signals are produced, and this has also been show with magnetic resonance imaging. However, it is not know exactly what occurs.

All that is known is that the state appears to be closer to sleeping with one exception - you remain completely alert. There are various theories. For example, it is known that there are two aspects of the brain: conscious and sub-conscious.

The conscious is used to work things out logically, and to take decisions about what to do next. The sub-conscious keeps us breathing, keeps our heart beating regularly, and sends out signals to our body to carry out all the routine operations needed to keep us alive.

But it is more than that: the sub-conscious also stores memories and information, and has ready access to these things - even when we have forgotten them. In some cases, the events just happened a long time ago, or were insignificant. In others, they were so uncomfortable that we don't allow our conscious mind to remember them.

Theses forgotten memories can also result in repression, so that we don't achieve what we want, or may make us do things we don't really want to. The hypnotic state can make your subconscious see things differently, and overcome problems.

What happens with hypnosis? Some hypnotherapists induce a feeling of nausea that is associated with smoking or overeating, so that the next time we get a cigarette out, we don't feel good. Another approach is to help the person have more determination to stop smoking.

Increased determination also helps us achieve our goals - goals that we thought were completely out of reach.

Personal problems such as phobias can be overcome with hypnosis, and pain in illness can be reduced - this has been demonstrated in various studies including one involving 80 children suffering from cancer. Overcoming the pain of childbirth is another example.

A group of people who suffered from hay-fever in Switzerland also found reduced symptoms following hypnosis. Half the group were treated this way in the first season, and compared with the others, and the other half of the group were treated prior to the second season. Afterwards, they reported that they needed less medication than before being hypnotised.

EEGs (electro-encephalographs) showed that the right-brain was more active and the left-brain less active during hypnosis. The left-brain is associated with analysis and criticism and the right-brain with creativity.

Rex Truman is a writer who has studied hypnosis, and shares his findings with people who want to know more about this therapy at Blog70637
Carlee Blog84851

Top Five Tips for College Freshmen and Sophmores

1. Let Your Major Pick You

A lot of college students ask me what majors will look best on paper when it comes time to apply for a job or to graduate school. At this point in your college education, you really have no business committing to a career yet. You should be exploring different classes, different internships and part-time jobs, different activities, different professors. Take a wide variety of classes, even if variety is not mandated by your schools graduation requirements, and youll figure out pretty quickly which ones youre passionate about.

2. Follow the Professors

Find out who the best teachers are and load up on those classes. The best teachers could lecture every day on the history of Brazilian trade unions and youd still be fascinated and learn how to think. A site like has its limitations, but its just one more resource to help you find the best ones. (And if you want to see that shoe on the other foot, check out Start cultivating relationships with your professors be engaged in class and talk to them during office hours. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Aside from the academic benefits, youll need them for graduate school recommendations in just a few years, and sometimes they have industry contacts as well.

3. Do Your Own Career Research?

Many professors and college administrators (including folks at the career center) havent spent much time outside of academia, so dont treat them as your only resources as you explore careers and line up internships or other job opportunities. Make every summer in college a strategic part of your post-graduation career planning many employers make permanent offers to their summer interns.

4. Be Smart About Your Financial Future?

Most people borrow for college, and for every dollar you spend now, youll be paying up to two in the future, depending on how long it takes you to pay back your loans. Check out financial planning calculators -- has good ones -- to figure out how much money you need to be making after graduation to make your monthly loan payments. Save your credit cards for emergencies, and dont fall for those seductive credit card pitches on campus. Get in the habit of tracking your spending (check out its a habit that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

5. If You Lose Your Bearings, Take a Breather

Sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions. You wont be able to go back and do college over again, so make sure you can give school your undivided attention while youre there. If external circumstances make that impossible (a recurring or serious illness, serious family difficulties, needing to work more than 20 hours per week), explore taking a semester or even a year off to get a handle on whatever that problem is. Most students in these situations try to push through the crisis, and their transcripts end up looking like train wrecks. Theyll have to explain and make excuses for their grades for a long time to come. Youre much better off showing people a transcript with great grades and having to explain why you needed to take time out in the middle.

Career Expert, Anna Ivey, is the Former Dean of Admissions at the University of Chicago Law School and author of The Ivey Guide to Law School Admissions. Currently, she advises young people as they navigate life after college, helping them make life path decisions - career, graduate school, etc.Visit or contact Anna at Blog84379
Alejandra Blog82786

How To Profit From Craft Shows

So, what does it take to start profiting from selling your crafts at craft shows? Following are the first four steps I would take to getting your small business off the ground:

1.) Choose the right craft This part is easier said than done. If you have to make a craft for $10 each, and you can only sell it for $12 at a craft show, you probably arent going to be happy with the overall profit at the end of the day. It is important for you to choose a craft that has a low start up cost and a higher sale price this is basic business 101. Something that only costs you $3 to make and you can sell for $10 is going to give your bottom line a huge boost.

2.) Set your price right This is just as crucial as choosing the right craft. In order to set your price right, you need to know EXACTLY how much the craft costs you to make. This includes all of the costs associated with making and selling the craft: transportation to and from craft shows, driving to get the supplies, the supply costs and even a little bit of a labor cost, too. Once you have your costs fixed, then you can set the retail price, and provide yourself a decent return on the investment. You probably dont need to make a fortune of your crafts, but it would be nice to see a healthy profit at the end of the day.

3.) Lower supply costs Do whatever you can to keep the supply costs as low as possible. This is where you are going to incur the most expense when making your crafts. If you think about it, if you can drop the cost of making your craft by $1, just by making smarter supply choices, each time you sell a craft, that dollar now goes into your pocket.

4.) Choose your craft shows wisely If you have to pay $500 for a weekend craft show, keep in mind you need to include that in the overall cost of your craft. If only 1,000 people come through the doors of that craft show, you likely arent going to make enough money to recover the cost of the show. That might be an extreme example, however it illustrates the point. Take some time to choose the event that is going to get you the most bang for your buck. It will likely take some time to weed out the craft shows that arent working for you, but before long you will only be going to the shows where you know there is a strong demand for your craft.

Those are just four things to think about to start profiting from craft shows. The right craft at the right price at the right craft show with low supply costs is going to help you bring home a heftier pay day at the end of the weekend. Good luck!

Copyright 2006 Natalie Goyette

Natalie Goyette shows you how to make your craft show business profitable in her best selling ebook: Craft Show Success Secrets. Visit her site: http://www.craftshowsuccess.comAmye Blog27262
Becka Blog80028

Dont Let A Card Control You Credit Card Debt Management UK

Easily fits in your pocket but....not in your budget, a small piece of plastic with the power of currency in itCREDIT CARD. Credit card is the most common currency used for serving various financial purposes without carrying lot of cash. But as we know that excess of anything is not good. This applies here also, as when we spend through credit cards more than our repayment capacity. It creates troubles for us at the end of the month in form of a huge credit card bill. And not paying such bills on time will lead us to bear penalty charges. All this may seems stressing and annoying to you but its even worst when it happens with you. For such situations credit card debt management UK is here to avoid you from falling into such situations.

Credit card debt management in UK is about managing your debts related to your credit cards. Credit card debt management UK offers you following services which you can get benefited from:

Credit card debt management plans
Credit card debt management services
Credit card debt consolidation
Budget planning
Bankruptcy education
Credit card debt education
Credit counseling

In addition to these credit card debt management services in UK there are steps which you can take from your side such as making cash purchases, dont carry too many credit cards
Aldrich Chappel has been associated with credit-card-debt-management, since its inception.Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School,he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the UK. To Find credit card debt management,credit card debt risk management,credit card debt management UK visit Blog11502
Bambi Blog34291

Ovulation Calculator

There are two systems used in calculating when a women is about to ovulate. The American System which dates back to early times and the Ovulation System. The Ovulation Calculator is the most accepted and considered the most accurate. The accuracy of this method of course will depend on you. The Ovulation Calculator often helps determine when it is a good time to have sex if you are wanting to conceive in order to have a baby. The most effective way is when a woman becomes fertile.

The simple method is the best method. It is predicted that about 50% of couples conceive during their first three months. The first six months about 75% of couples conceive. Within the first year it is predicted that about 90% of couples conceive giving birth to a beautiful baby. The ovulation calculator for married couples is essential in planning a family. Family planning is vital to most couples because of todays economy and the fact that both mom and dad work leaving little time for a large family.

The average family of today normally consists of two children and the parents. Spacing the child births at least two or three years apart. The mom can then have time to enjoy both babies regain her health and of course increase the family income. The dad has time to improve his career farther making it easier to support his family. Most responsible couples prefer using the ovulation calculator in order to help them with this important event. The event of having a new life added to the family is one of the most important part of life. Most couples are very anxious about having a baby represents the future of their own family links. Dads usually want a boy so they can have a son that is like him who perhaps will be a great person. A women often prefers the daughter so she can be a little lady that mamma can watch grow to a beautiful young lady. The ironic thing is that the boy normally clings to his mother while the girl becomes daddys little girl. Both parents usually love both children and are proud of each child as they grow into adulthood.

In order to better understand how a ovulation calculator works the following example will show you.

10/01/06 First day of your cycle

10/12/06 A little bit fertile

10/13/06 Fertile

10/14/06 Very fertile

10/15/06 Time to ovulate

*A home pregnancy test may work now.

10/29/06 End of cycle

11/01/06 No period? Maybe you are pregnant!

07/08/07 If you are pregnant, this is the approximate due date.

I know this seems very easy after you have seen the above demonstration; however, it is not always so simple. It does not always work the first time you use it. You will need to repeat the procedure the following month and hopefully you will have success. Do not dismay some couples have had to use the Ovulation Calculator system for six months to year before conception. Remember about 90% of couples normally do conceive within a year. I do suggest that if you are not able to conceive within the first three months to see your doctor for a physical exam to make sure both mom and dad are in good health.

The fact is the average couple who have sex once a day has the best chance of getting pregnant within the first month. It does help to follow the ovulation calendar especially for a couple that is very active. A lot of couples today both work some even travel as part of the work requirements which leaves them with no valuable time to be together. It is often only certain evenings or days that they are able to relax for this reason a couple should keep the ovulation calendar to help set aside special day to be together. It is recommended that after your partner ejaculates to lay on your back with your hips elevated for 20-30 minutes. You may see your doctor for more information. Enjoy each other and your times together you should conceive and I believe it will be a welcome event.

Kitty Barker who often writes for and with Pregnancy Information where there is far more information, news and resources. She also writes for Pregnancy Weight Gain If that link is inactive, you can paste this link into your browser - Blog64960
Aindrea Blog65235

Data Disaster Recovery Plan

Description: Data Disaster Recovery - Data disaster recovery plan is not a new idea. It came into being when corporates realized the importance of losing critical and sensitive data to uncommon incidents like earthquakes, floods, etc.

Keyword - is a leading IT Support Company in Essex. It provides network installation services, web hosting, data disaster recovery planning, network security and remote working

Data disaster recovery plan is not a new idea. It came into being when corporates realized the importance of losing critical and sensitive data to uncommon incidents like earthquakes, floods, etc.

Disaster can strike anywhere, anytime and it comes unannounced. Catastrophic disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods etc. can create such havoc that cannot be even estimated. In such a situation, it becomes very important to secure all important information that is vital for the working of any organization. Taking preventive measures before a disaster occurs, not only guarantees data protection, but also ensures a speedy return to normal operations.

Data is very essential to business continuity. In order to protect critical data, companies generally opt for a daily back up. A daily back up routine is vital but it becomes useless in incidents of calamitous data disaster. The ability to recover critical data soon after a disaster is a cardinal requirement, which cannot be over looked. Businesses and individuals require a data disaster recovery plan in place.

It is very important to have a data disaster recovery plan to protect critical data and to keep the organization functioning at a competitive level. A full fledged plan is made after a lot of study and analysis. A good Data disaster recovery plan integrates data environment that ensures 24/7 tenability, centralized management, real-time recovery and centralized data recovery in times of disaster. A disaster recovery plan is a part of a business recovery plan, which examines all the consequences of a disaster on the overall business. Normally, it also includes the restoration of telecommunication and the central system.

Though, data disaster recovery plans are readily available at all times in the work place, copies of crucial data are also stored off-site. This helps in saving copies of very critical data even if the whole work place is destroyed. The need for storing data off site, calls for having a secure off site back up storage location, where all vital data is backed up and stored. Copies are either stored in secure online vaults or are kept at the residence of a team member, if it is not inconsistent with the security policies of the company.

With a proper disaster recovery plan in place, companies do not have to wake up to the risk of their crucial data getting destroyed.

For more details, visit

Mit Patel is a very good author, who writes this article for Blog33544
Augusta Blog7775

A Brief History Of Music The United Kingdom

Music in Britain prior to the seventeenth century, or at any rate the latter part of the sixteenth, presents itself under very much the same aspects as on the Continent. On the one hand Church music, on the other Minstrelsy and latterly, the rise of a secular art, secular in spirit but hampered with Church traditions.

Church music in England at the time of the pre-reformation period moved along the same lines as that of the Continent, although probably existing in a far less advanced stage of cultivation. Minstrelsy, however, was highly regarded among English, Irish, Welsh, and Scottish; and among the Irish and Welsh the bardic caste enjoyed a degree of power and influence probably unknown in any other country of the world.

Thus in Ireland the three grades of minstrels or bards of the legendary period, the Oblansh-Re-Dan, or Filidhe, the poets; the Breithanhain, or Brehons, promulgators of the law, and the Seanachaidhe, the historians and genealogists exerted a tremendous influence among the princes and chiefs of Ireland. A similar, although lesser, measure of power and influence was 'enjoyed by the Welsh bards.

Unswayed by the imperfectly understood system of the Greek theorists, which, thanks to Boethius, were perpetuating a species of artistic cramp among Church composers, the folk-music of this country, governed solely by man's natural sense of fitness, made astonishing progress.

Giraldus Cambrensis, who lived in the twelfth century, in his Cambriae Descriptio says-

"In the northern parts of Britain, beyond the Humber and on the borders of Yorkshire, the people there inhabiting, make use of a kind of symphoniac harmony in singing, but with only two differences or varieties of tones or voices. In this kind of modulation, one person sings the under part in a low voice, while another sings the upper in a voice equally soft and pleasing. This they do not so much by art as by a habit, which long practice has rendered almost natural; and this method of singing is become so prevalent amongst these people, that hardly any melody is accustomed to be uttered simply, or otherwise than variously, or in this twofold manner"

With this should be combined another extract from the same writer, as illustrating the wide-spread taste for music in the British Islands at that early period. In 1171 Giraldus 'Cambrensis, or Gerald Barry, Bishop of St. David's, to give him his proper name and title in English, visited Ireland in the suite of Henry the Second; and in his Topographia Hibernia there are the following impressions of the National Music of the Irish :-

"The attention of this people to musical instruments I find worthy of commendation, in which their skill is beyond comparison superior to that of any nation I have seen ; for in these the modulation is not slow and solemn, as in the instruments of Britain, to which we are accustomed, but the sounds are rapid and precipitate, yet at the same time sweet and pleasing. It is wonderful how, in such rapidity of the fingers, the musical proportions are preserved, and by their art, faultless throughout, in the midst of their complicated modulations, and most intricate arrangement of notes, by a rapidity so sweet, a regularity so irregular, a concord so discordant, the melody is rendered harmonious and perfect, whether the chords of the Diatesseron, or Diapente, are struck together; yet they always begin in a soft mood, and end in the same, that all may be perfected in the sweetness of delicious sound. They enter on, and again leave their modulations with so much subtility, and the tinglings of the small strings sport with so much freedom under the deep notes of the bass, delight with so much delicacy, and soothe so softly, that the excellence of their art seems to lie in concealing it"

English literature of the Middle Ages is full of references to minstrels and minstrelsy, and abounds in quaint and curious details of their life and manners; and for the present-day reader, with a great desire for information concerning the early music of this country, no better authority exists than Chappell's entertaining "Popular Music of the Olden Time."

More distinguished in the Middle Ages for the cultivation of folk-music than that of the Church. Medieval England yet produced a very respectable body of theoretical writers, and to England belongs the credit of possessing the oldest piece of polyphonic and canonic composition known to be in existence, the old Northumbrian round, "Sumer is icumen in," which was transcribed by a monk of Reading called John of Fornsete, in the early years of the thirteenth century.

The earliest English writer on music was Walter Odyngton, an Evesham monk, who was born somewhere about 1180. He wrote a treatise, "De Speculatione Musicae," of which the only known copy is now in the library of Christ's College, Cambridge. Other writers were Simon Tunstede, of Norwich, born about 1310; Robert de Handlo; John Dunstable; John Hamboys, the first to hold the degree of Doctor of Music; and John Hothby, a Carmelite monk, who, however, lived on the Continent, and died at Florence in or about the year 1480.

With the coming of the Tudors, a new day began for English music, a day whose brightness was to culminate in the splendour of the Elizabethan Age.

Mike Shaw is an organist and music teacher who has produced a selection of downloadable music books for anyone who wishes to learn to play the piano, organ or keyboard. To find out more visit his websites and Blog30379
Adella Blog59939

Spyware: the expensive free extra

Everyone has heard the saying Theres no such thing as a free lunch. Its a saying which means that you pay for everything eventually, in one way or another. Even stuff which is free often has a hidden cost, and this couldnt be more true of a growing problem affecting thousands of computers worldwidespyware.

The reason that Spywareand its closely-related cousin, Adwarecan be described as a free lunch that is anything but free, is that it is often installed on a computer without the users consent by piggy-backing on some free software that the user downloaded from the internet, but then can end up costing a computer owner dearly.

A computer infected with Spyware can monitor the use of the computer and collect personal information without the users consent. Some of this personal information may be innocuous, but some may be extremely important and financially-sensitive, including passwords to membership sites, bank account details, credit card numbers and bank passwords. Not the type of thing anyone wants to fall into the hands of unscrupulous people. Some Spyware simply collects information to be used by marketing teams, though this does bring up issues of privacy, even if the information is not used for criminal purposes.

Adware could be said to be less malicious than Spyware, though it does operate in much the same way. Like Spyware, Adware is often downloaded along with a piece of free software and operates without the knowledge or consent of the user.

It is true that a lot of Spyware is simply used for marketing purposes and is not of the malicious type although it is still unwanted and unauthorized. When you suddenly see advertisements appearing that are completely unrelated to the web site they appear on, thats a pretty good indication that somehow Adware has been installed. Another side-effect of both Spyware and Adware can be an extremely slow computer as the programs hog systems resources.

Both Spyware and Adware embed themselves into the operating system of the computer, which can make it extremely difficult to remove them. This is especially true of the forms of Adware and Spyware which conceal themselves on the computerif the user doesnt know they are there he isnt going to try to remove them. Some types of Spyware can even bypass anti-virus software and then disable parts of it, which means the PC then becomes open to more infections from other Spyware of Adware programs.

So what is the best way to avoid a Spyware or Adware infection? Keeping your web browser up to date and ensuring your anti-virus software is the latest version is one way. But one of the simplest ways is to avoid downloading free programs from the internet. Those free programs may give you something cool to play withbut they may also give you something not so cool along with it. The next time youre tempted to download some free program that sounds good, remember the saying that there really is no such thing as a free lunchespecially when it comes to computer security.

Carl Formby owns and operates, an online resource packed with information on Spyware RemoversAnnabell Blog2058
Bobbee Blog23203

To Secure Or Not To Secure...

If you're thinking of taking out a loan there are a number of options that are open to you, although this will depend on your circumstances and your credit rating. For those that own their own homes, have some level of equity in the home, and have a good credit rating there are both secured and unsecured loan options available. But is it a good idea to secure a loan against your home if you have the option of secured on unsecured?

Some people may not have any option other than to go for a secured loan, such as those with a bad credit rating. If you have bad credit then the chances are that you will not be offered any unsecured finance because the risk is too high to the lender. However, if you have equity in your home then there is a good chance that you can get a secured loan, because the collateral that you provide (i.e. your home) acts as security to the lender.

Other people may have no other option than to opt for an unsecured loan, such as those who do not own their own property, or those with no equity in their home. However, in order to get an unsecured loan you will have to have pretty good credit, as otherwise most lenders may reject your application.

If you do have the choice of either a secured or unsecured loan there are a number of factors to take into consideration when making your decision. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of loan, some of which are outlined below.

Secured loans

- You will usually enjoy greater borrowing power with these loans based on the equity in your home.
- The repayments periods are usually longer, which allows you to enjoy lower monthly repayments.
- These loans are suitable for those with poor credit.

- You will usually need to have some level of equity in your home, which is the difference between the value of your home and the amount outstanding on your mortgage or other loan secured on it.
- You could be saddling yourself with a long term debt and a huge financial commitment.
- Your home could be at risk if you fail to keep up with repayments on your home.

Unsecured loans

- These loans are available to those that do not own their own home.
- There is no risk of losing the roof over your head if you default on repayments.
- These are shorter term loans, and you will therefore be free of your debt more quickly.

- You may not be eligible if you have poor credit.
- The shorter repayment term can mean higher monthly repayments.
- Borrowing power may not be as powerful as with an unsecured loan.

It is important to look at the big picture when looking into loans, and to work out which type of loan is best suited to you based on your needs and your circumstances.

Reno Charlton, award-winning writer, shares her financial expertise as a contributing columnist for and Blog66276
Brunhilde Blog17454

How Vinyl Casement Windows Can Make Your Life A Lot Easier

Your windows are a huge aspect of your property and can make all the difference to the way your property looks and feels. With the perfect windows you can make your home truly stand out amongst the crowd, giving it a classy and unique look both inside and out.

Regardless of whether or not youre carrying out a full blown home improvement project or if you just wish to change the windows in your house, this kind of improvement will not only make your property feel and look much better but also add an increased value to your home.

Casement windows are a hugely popular choice of the homeowner these days, simply because not only do they look great, but they also make a big difference to how your home feels. The greater ventilation given by these windows will guarantee that youll get much more fresh air whenever you want, plus youll find them simple to maintain and clean saving you aggravation and inconvenience.

Your new casement windows will give your home a very beautiful appearance that is both eloquent and classy. Your visitors will be highly impressed when they see the windows, as youll also love their look.

No matter your decoration or theme, your new windows will fit in perfectly, and can give the whole property a makeover. For really simple maintenance and a great valor, you can get them in vinyl frames with a broad choice of colors.

This will add to the smooth finish of your windows, and you wont have to worry about continuous repair from storms, hurricanes, or damage from wind, plus you wont have to paint the frames on a regular basis the way that you would have to with wooden frames.

These casement windows have their hinges on the side and open outwards they are perfect for hard to reach areas within your home, and theyre also excellent for getting a tremendous view of the outside world.

You can enjoy a variety of optional extras with casement windows that will add to the overall look and feel. One option you have is grid windows. These offer a really stylish finish, and fortunately you can choose from a broad range of accessories such as handles and locks to give your windows the perfect finish.

If youre looking to get a really tremendous deal on this type of window the best place to start your search is on the Internet. You can enjoy a variety of windows to meet all of your needs and budget, as well youll be able to look through the various options and even make your order from the comfort of your home.

A Casement window will make any part of you home look more attractive, as well if you opt for a vinyl casement window youll be receiving a window thats highly durable and maintenance free.

Ken J. Morris writes articles largely for , an online publication covering information on construction and building. Writing for reports such as ,he established his expertise on home improvement.Allison Blog27184
Adina Blog34267

Affordable Remote Video Surveillance for Everyone

John was on a business trip in Europe, when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and there was a text message that read motion has been detected at your home on camera #2.

No one was supposed to be in his house while he was away, so this could only mean one thing, someone has broken in.

John immediately logged on to the Internet and in less than 2 minutes he was watching a stranger rummaging through his house. By comparison, the 10 minutes it took him to contact his hometown police department seemed pitifully slow.

Yeah John said Im watching the guy on my surveillance cameras right now, you can still catch him if you hurry

A few minutes later the police arrived at Johns house and caught the thief just as he was leaving with a bag full of Johns stuff.

John thought to himself, this surveillance software has just paid for itself, unlike my neighbors alarm system that calls the police every time his cat triggers a sensor.

Home security and surveillance can be an indispensable tool for keeping an eye on things while your not there. Video surveillance software allows you to use your home computer monitor as your viewing platform, and involves minimal set up using inexpensive software to connect your security cameras with a home network.

Applications can include doorway or gate security, grounds surveillance, or you can even view a hidden nanny cam right from a computer monitor inside your home. Or by logging in through the Internet to view your surveillance cameras, you can view what your security cameras see from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.

In the past, it was quite expensive to maintain and implement such security systems because they were tied to expensive recorders and other fancy hardware components. CCTV Systems and other high-tech surveillance systems can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars up to many thousands of dollars. But now, you can turn your computer into a powerful surveillance system at a fraction of a regular security system cost.

These surveillance software packages have no monthly fees, which means that for a small one-time cost you can have remote video surveillance for a lifetime.

Most of these software surveillance systems are easy and quick to setup and require only a very basic knowledge of networking. Some of them only require you to place the CD in your computers CD drive, and the software will walk you through the process in about 5 or 10 minutes.

These surveillance software packages can be used with wired or wireless security cameras. A high quality video stream will be viewable from a computer within your home, or from anywhere with an Internet connection. One such software package that I have discovered is the Visec security software. For around $100, you can install, set up, and immediately start viewing up to four surveillance cameras, remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Using your computer's IP address to log on, you can view live or past video, and many of these software packages even allow for a motion detection mode which will record video activity just when motion is detected.

They can even be set up to alert you by email, cell phone or PDA when motion is detected.

While these streaming surveillance videos can be viewed with a dial up connection, a High Speed Cable or DSL Internet connection is recommended. The use of a dial-up modem will tend to give you a choppy video due to the slow bandwidth speed of the connection, whereas a high-speed Internet connection will allow for a much smoother real-time video.

Steven Rubin is the owner of North American Security Products, LLC. A company dedicated to providing you with the means to protect and defend yourself against crime.Beth Blog23055
Allx Blog99056

Do you obey the 5 commandments of customer communication?

Every time you interact with your customers or prospects, is a chance to enhance the image of your company, and thus be more profitable. In a world, where technology seems to be driving business process, it is vital that you start with the basics. This article describes the 5 core principles behind customer interaction. Make it easy for customers and prospects to contact you, using whatever method suits THEM.

Whether you are a one person band, or a company with 5,000 employees, it is vital that everyone sings off the same hymn sheet. By this I mean that customers should experience the same positive proactive experience, regardless of whom or where within your company the interaction comes from.

People may not buy everything on the internet, but recent statistics indicate that 70% of purchases are researched on the internet today. A large proportion of these are then made in person at shops.

Imagine the scenario; you have looked on a lighting company's website, and seen a lamp that you like, but you really want to see and feel it in the flesh as they say. You go into the shop, and ask for it. Oh, but we don't have that in stock they say! You explain where you saw it, starting to get frustrated. They explain to you, speaking slowly, treating you as someone who just doesn't really understand, that just because it's on the web, doesn't mean they have it in the shop.

How do you now feel about that company? I would walk out and go somewhere else.

Every time someone external communicates with your company is a chance to impress. Maybe it is time to review what you are doing. Take a look at, what I call the 5 commandments below and see how you score;

Be consistent in what all employees say and do, across all channels of communication.

Make it easy for customers and prospects to contact you, using whatever method suits THEM.

Respond to all contacts in a professional and timely fashion.

Track all communications, and ensure appropriate processes are in place to ensure appropriate action is undertaken in all instances.

Constantly check how you're doing and is everything working, by asking your customers prospects and employees for feedback.

There is one common theme, in addition to the external contact that runs through all of these commandments. That is one of internal communication.

In order to communicate consistently with people outside the company, you first must learn to communicate effectively inside your company. You may want to check if everyone understands your company's vision and mission.

This article was written by Peter Lawless, founder of 3R Sales and Marketing For previous articles like this, visit 3R's Articles. Alternatively, subscribe to Success our free monthly Information Bulletin with sales and marketing articles.Adriena Blog789
Ceil Blog6795

Rejoicing In The Moment

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice therein. There is no moment like this one; no day like today. Carpe Diem, meaning Harvesting, or Gathering, the Day, has become a household phrase. It is interesting to note that the meaning is widely accepted to mean: Seize the Moment. And that is so true. Can you picture yourself picking strawberries, gently enfolding each one in your hand to check its ripeness, and delicately yet firmly picking it from its stem?

That's the ideal picture of how you and I ought to grab onto moments each day. Wouldn't it be great if we could grasp each moment, turn it around in our minds and consider whether it's O.K. to let go of it, or to really delve into it?

There are too many moments that are squandered, regretted and missed. An opportunity can be missed in one moment's hesitation. Are you taking the time to enjoy the nice things that happen around you, being thankful for all your blessings, and appreciating this very moment, even if it's not so perfect in your eyes?

David declared in the midst of his troubles: "this is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Ps. 118: 24) He didn't even speak just for himself, he included his whole household and all those with him. He made a declaration. God had given him victory over another day. Therefore, we all will rejoice!

It's sometimes hard to start the day even with a glimpse of a smile on your face. All you can think of is problems and how to try and solve them. However, here you are. Another day is here. It's fresh, ready for a new start. His mercies are new every morning, and they're just waiting for you to embrace them!

What a privilege it is to start every morning with a sincere thank-you to the Lord, for giving you this new day! When you greet the new day with a happy "Good morning, Lord, what are we going to do today?" You will notice that when you include Him, praising and asking for His Wisdom to guide you through that day, your troubles will to fade away.

Somehow you discover that there is more quality time to share with others, you're at peace, and consequently more apt to see the beauty in your surroundings. You may even find yourself stopping to smell a rose or cheerfully waving to the elderly lady across the street. You will develop a zest for life, looking forward to what the day will bring, and discovering purpose in so many moments in the day.

Every moment is precious. Wouldn't it be great if you could treat each one as a gift from God, forgetting the rush, deadlines and chaos surrounding your life. Let go of all the missed and messed up moments. They're gone; there's nothing you can do about them now. Look expectantly to the new ones so as not to miss out on something great that's about to happen.

"As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flouresheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of God is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children's children."

Life is a race made up of many tiny moment steps. If you determine to plant each step on the Rock, He will direct the moments of your life. Go on, ask Him to forgive all the mis-steps and then leave them, where He puts them, in the sea of forgetfulness. Go forward with fervor, endeavouring to make the best of each moment today.

Ann Stewart is author of With Wings As Eagles, an inspiring story of unwavering faith in God's Word and answered prayer: Blog76316
Bernardine Blog30300

Make Holidaying Worth With Vacation Rental In Hilton Head

Hilton head is located in the southern- eastern part of Carolina. Hilton Head is one of the famous and preferred vacation destinations for all people in United States. Hilton head have 14 miles attractive beaches where you can enjoy with your partner or family. It has around 20 golf courses, tennis courts and numerous food chains. Climate over the Hilton head is semi-tropical. Hilton Head Island is about 12 miles long and 5 miles wide and it is also regarded as the 2nd largest barrier island on the east coast of the United States. There are many activities that you can enjoy at Hilton head such as golfing, swimming, horse riding or even walking beside the beach could be a great experience. And, vacation rental in Hilton head also gives all these experience with effective cost.

Hilton head offers varieties of vacation rentals ranging from condos to cabins and cottages to apartments and villas. These vacation rentals in Hilton head offer a comfort level which makes the one feel his home.

Hilton head vacation rental comes in different sizes and their cost also varies accordingly. You can choose as per your convenience that is your budget, number of people who will visit and number of days you will spend there. All these factors also play a crucial role in determining the cost and rent of the vacation rental.

Vacation rental in Hilton head caters all the services and amenities which are part of the house that is living room, television, washer, dryer, fully furnished kitchen, laundries, and much more. With these amenities one can feel as if he is at his home itself.

It is also seen that Hilton head vacation rental also offers privacy and cost effectiveness which other place of accommodation in Hilton head doesnt offer. Like if you choose hotel for your accommodation it is sure that you will be required to pay high cost though you will not get privacy there as every minute you will be disturbed by one or the other person.

This was the brief about Hilton head and its vacation rentals, it is sure that you have got an idea of the facts of the Hilton head. Now, if you are planning to spend some of your holidays in Hilton head for relaxation or for your honeymoon, definitely your decision is on the right path if you choose to accommodate in vacation rental in Hilton head in order to get a homely environment.

Sylvestor Johnson is offering loan and rental advice for quite some time. He is working as financial consultant for ThinkRentals. To find Apartment rentals, Cabin rentals, Big bear vacation rental, Condo rentals, Destin Florida vacation rental, Texas vacation rentals, Rental homes, vacation rental in Hilton head, beach vacation rental at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit Blog67057
Berri Blog8145

The Era Of Online Education

The Internet has broken down language barriers, country boundaries, and learning methods. Today, learning at home is not only possible but highly advisable because the World Wide Web gives students resources that otherwise are not available as fast as the time it takes when a student turns on his or her personal computer.

The era of education online means that your ability to obtain higher education is just a mouse click away. Online education is one of the best options for those who want to get a degree and work at the same time. Within the past ten years, online education and internet training has provided many people with a new incentive to learn.

Online education includes a full spectrum of possibilities starting with early childhood education and including college preparation, or complete learning programs for obtaining a college degree. Online courses open a world of possibilities to people who for any given reason were unable to attend regular school programs, or those whose actual activities and limited time, made it hard to stick to a full-time learning schedule.

Online education is spreading across the globe like a wildfire fueled by textbooks and periodic tables. Millions who previously thought that a college degree was firmly out of their reach have discovered that all it takes to attend college in todays world are the combination of a few free hours each day and access to the Internet.

Online Education Equals Big Business

Originally conceived as a way for adults to earn a college degree later in life than usual, online education or distance learning has spread to the point that people of all ages are now involved. Children as young as the fourth grade level now have access to online education in many areas, using it as a supplement to or in place of traditional classes.

With Online Education Everybody Wins

Part of the appeal to online education is that it is literally good for everyone. Educators can enter a new job market in writing and implementing an online curriculum and can use this income to supplement the earnings that receive from classroom education. Students of all ages have an alternative to traditional classes in which they can learn without the interference of other students behavioral interruptions. Adults who may have missed out on their high school diplomas or college degrees now have the opportunity, through online education, to complete or further their studies without the scheduling problems that may have made this impossible in the past. Finally, online education offers businesses the chance to educate their workforce at a lower cost and the benefit of a generation of computer literate and more highly educated prospective employees entering the job market.

However, online education is not limited to school subjects. Demand for adult education and online courses are some of the most widely available educational resources on the Internet, intended for developing specific skills. Cooking and baking courses, mechanical reparations, interior decoration, are just a few of those quick courses available online.

Another motivation encouraging online education includes foreign languages learning, or just for broadening your culture. Online options are as many as everyone's need; degree programs, online education courses, training certificates and more, including accredited formal education.

Online education saves time, money, and offers opportunity to those who may have never had it in the past. It may truly be the wave of the future. Helping students to succeed in both education and career aspirations, online education is fast becoming a convenient, but credible educational tool of the modern era.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail kateriwhite@gmail.comAnn Marie Blog93443
Arlyn Blog63327

How Prepaid Cell Phones Keep You Within Your Budget

Staying within a desired budget bracket on cell service can oftentimes be best completed by choosing a prepaid cell phone plan. Prepaid cell phone plans allow you to purchase minutes as you need them versus purchasing a particular amount and being required to pay for them whether they are used or not. For those customers who do not use a large amount of minutes in a month, having specific allotted minutes can be frustrating, and most expensive than necessary. If you are looking to lower your budget allotment for cell phone service, and stay more in control of your cell phone usage, prepaid cell phones may be just what you are looking for.

Prepaid Cell Phone Service

Through a prepaid cell phone plan you can purchase minutes as you need them versus being given a particular amount of minutes. One stipulation with certain prepaid phones is that you spend a minimum amount of money per month, or some other time-length. These minutes are beneficial because they can be saved from month to month, and used when you need them. You no longer have to pay for an allotted amount that expires at the end of the cycle. Certain carriers have some expiration agreements, but most do not. Basically, no matter what youre spending, those minutes and options are yours to keep until you use them.

Although, it is important to remember that prepaid cell phone plans are not right for every customer, and there may be cell phone plans that offer a better deal for your particular needs. Certain carriers may offer lower rates and fees with a regular plan versus a prepaid plan, or they may offer special discounts. Depending on how you pay for your prepaid minutes, you can oftentimes get other discounts. If you plan to pay using your credit card you can sometimes get discounts on airtime. Using a credit card is not your only option for payment, but it is definitely one that can come with some added extras. Purchasing extra airtime minutes is typically very simple because many retailers and department stores offer prepaid cards, and sometimes through particular specials you can purchase airtime minutes for less than face value.

You are completely in charge of how much your phone costs you each month. You decide how much is in the budget for the month for cell phone minutes, purchase those minutes, and use them until they run out. At that point you can decide whether you can afford to add more, or if youll need to wait until the next month to refill your phone. Either way, no matter what you charge to your phone each month, you get that money all back in airtime minutes.

Shelly Walther has written several articles on prepaid cell phones. She has researched many different options and understands how prepaid can benefit users. You can see more of her work, including more articles on prepaid cell phones, at and Maria Blog20405
Alexis Blog8306

The United States Program on Cancer, 1975-2003: A Dismal Failure

It seems to us that we are living in a cancer epidemic in the United States. Both of us have lost parents to cancer, and we have been losing more and more relatives and friends to cancer. Based on our own sad experience, we were driven to carry out research on the impacts of cancer in the U.S. over the period 1975 to 2003. This study assesses the U.S. cancer program, as guided by the National Cancer Institute, by examining three basic measures of that program: 1) the cancer incidence rate; 2) the cancer mortality rate; and 3) the probability of getting cancer for an American male or female in their lifetime. The basic data series were obtained from NCIs SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) program. The result of our research was a paper (52 pages), and this is a synopsis of that paper. The paper in its entirety is available on the web:

The findings of our research on the impacts of cancer on Americans are grim and shocking. Since 1975, the effects of cancer on people has been continuously and steadily worsening with the following dismal outcomes of the three measures:

Cancer Incidence

The reported age-adjusted cancer incidence rate of Americans getting cancer in 2003 was 460 people per 100,000. This was in stark contrast to 400 people per 100,000 in 1975. This reveals a significant worsening of cancer incidence in the U.S. over time. In actual numbers, this means that 1.3 million Americans got cancer in 2003 as compared to 864,540 in 1975. This bleak situation is even worse because of the delays in the reporting of cancer cases (Clegg, 2002). As a result of these delays, the reported cancer incidence in 2003 is an underestimate of the correct incidence, which we have calculated to be 494 per 100,000 people getting cancer; and the total number of Americans getting cancer now increases to 1.4 million people.

Over the period of analysis, 1975-2003, the reported cancer incidence rate increased at an average annual rate of 0.5 percent. This positive growth rate means that the number of people diagnosed with cancer every year was increasing faster than the population of the country. Moreover, this rate will be higher with the adjusted incidence numbers for the delayed reporting of cancer cases (particularly for 1993 to 2003). In addition, the total number of Americans affected by cancer increased every year (1975-2003) by 1.6 percent (also an underestimate).

Cancer Mortality

During each of the 25 years since 1975 until 2001 more Americans died from cancer, per 100,000, than in 1975. Also, many more Americans died from cancer in 2003 553,244 than in 1975 430,002. Furthermore, we surmise that the number of cancer mortality rates reported by SEER/NCI are underestimates due to the likely misses of cancer death cases when they are marked in the IMMEDIATE CAUSE section of the death certificate rather than the UNDERLYING CAUSE section; this shortcoming can be a substantial one.

It is a very disturbing fact that the number of Americans who have been losing their lives to cancer, in the 1990s and the 2000s on a daily basis reached the count of a World Trade Center tower at 1,500 people. This number translates into 63 Americans dying from cancer every hour of the day which means 1 American dies from cancer every minute. These are indeed grim statistics, attributable to the failure of the cancer program.

The total number of people in the U.S. who lost their lives to cancer also increased annually at a rate of 0.9 percent (1975-2003). The dismal result of these increases was that at the end of the period, 2003, many more people were dying from cancer than died in 1975.

Over the period of analysis (1975-2003), a total of 33 million Americans were afflicted by cancer. Even this is an underestimate, due to delayed reporting of cancer cases, and the actual number would be considerably higher. During the same period, a total of 15 million Americans lost their lives to cancer. The ratio between these two numbers provides an approximation of those who die in relation to those afflicted by cancer at 45 percent. Almost half of those who get cancer will eventually die from it.

Probability of Getting Cancer

With regard to ones chances of getting cancer, as of 2002, American males faced a staggering probability that is close to 50 percent of contracting cancer in their lifetime, while American females were facing a 42 percent probability of getting cancer in their lifetime. Moreover, these probabilities have been getting worse over time. By contrast, the probability in 1975-1977 for an American man or woman of contracting cancer was 34 percent. This was already a high number which became even higher over time. Furthermore, the probabilities particularly in the 1990s and 2000s are underestimates since cancer probabilities are calculated from cancer incidence rates and these rates are underestimates as a result of reporting delays.

Cancer in the News

Despite data shortcomings that result in significant underestimates of cancer statistics, the existing cancer data show a dismal situation with respect to cancer prevention and cancer treatment. The grim statistics are typically not depicted in the news media. Over the years, the media has focused on news portraying small numbers of deaths, from diseases like the bird flu, and have ignored the horrendous fact that millions of Americans with cancer have died, and continue to die, from cancer. In addition, they have focused on short periods of time that give misleading results.

Conclusions and Recommendations

If the cancer program worked, positive benefits to Americans would have been shown by a decrease in the cancer incidence rate and the mortality rate, from their levels in 1975. In addition, the probability of getting cancer in ones lifetime would have decreased. That did not happen; on the contrary, the numbers increased across all measures. Even a rudimentary evaluation of the costs of the NCI compared to the benefits obtained by the American people would conclude that it has been a horribly inefficient use of national funds.

A single main recommendation arises from the big and continuing failure of the NCI cancer program: The National Cancer Institute to be drastically restructured and its programs to be significantly changed, in order to develop and make effective programs of prevention and programs of treatment of cancer. The American people have been paying too high a price with their lives for an extremely misguided and ineffective cancer program.


Clegg, L.X.,, Impact of Reporting Delay and Reporting Error on Cancer Incidence Rates and Trends. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Vol. 94, No. 20, Oct. 16, 2002, pp. 1537-1545.

National Cancer Institute (NCI). Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER), 1975-2002.

United States Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2006; section on Population.


Clifton Leafs article on the War on Cancer:

Dr. Samuel Epsteins website on the War on Cancer:

Anthony Apostolides, Ph.D. has been engaged in research and teaching on health care and other areas of public sector economics. He taught in universities/colleges, and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals. He received a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.Annis Blog46150
Augusta Blog35977

Miami Schools Teach Entrepreneurship

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Funds Programs in Miami Schools

This summer, 126 students from Miami Schools entered a six-week training session and contest to learn about entrepreneurship. Funded and run by the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, the six week summer session will teach the students how to create a business plan, how to secure start up funds and then how to pitch the idea to real business people. The twelve best plans will compete in the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Macys 2006 Business Plan Competition. Only one winner will represent Florida in New York in October with a chance to win $10,000.

The Miami Schools system has some of the highest dropout rates in the state of Florida. One of the principal reasons for this may be that students a bored and do not see how their school work relates to the real world. The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship contest shows how owning a business relates to math and reading skills. This gives a meaning and a relevance to education. A study by the Harvard Graduate School of Education found that students exposed to entrepreneurship classes are more interested in education, are more likely to go to college and more likely to engage in independent reading than their peers.

New National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Programs in the Miami Schools

The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship will, over the next two years, establish programs in 20 Miami Schools resulting in the program being accessible by nearly 3,400 middle and high school students. Some schools will offer more than just the summer contest but integrated into the curriculum. A Miami business lawyer and one of the judges who helped pick the finalists, stressed issues pertaining to the insurance and salary of the employees. This is the same issues that he would address with actual entrepreneurs. Several of the students from Miami Schools in the program have attempted to actually start a company. One student in the contest, Steve Rodriguez, has created X-Paks, a company that sells drawstring backpacks that can be produced in the shape and color the client wants. The sixteen year old is an aspiring engineer that wants to go on to MIT. He hopes that word of mouth marketing will lead his company to success. His partner is his mother who does the sewing and shares in half the profits.

Another student in the competition, Elise Lorenzo, has created a plan for a company call Envision Art. This high school sophomores company plan, based around creating an online art gallery, won points with the judges for her creative use of an S Corporation structure, which will allow her to reflect company profits on her personal tax returns.

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship was founded in 1987. National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship was started by a businessman and former teacher, Steve Mariotti. National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship Miami Schools program aims to prevent dropout and improve academic performance among students who were at risk of failing or quitting school. Mr. Mariotti used his knowledge of business to help him to connect to his low-income students by giving them the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship, their innate street smarts can easily develop into academic smarts and business smarts. Through entrepreneurship, youth discover that what they are learning in the classroom is relevant to the real world.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Angela Blog97741
Andi Blog87726

New Laptop Insurance and Computer Insurance: Does This Protect You?

Laptop Insurance in now recognised as necessary, because most people recognise the risk of a high value laptop that they carry around. Computer Insurance is slightly less obvious in terms of travel risk, but a computer is similarly a high value item at risk from damage and theft.

Laptop insurance has historically covered mostly business customers. Now a new laptop protection and computer protection has just been released, particularly for those who don't want to sign up to a long term contract.

This can be found at

This is specifically designed to protect people who know their laptop or computer has high value but do not want to make a long term commitment. Instead people can protect their laptop or computer on a month by month basis.

Naturally, the value of a laptop or computer declines with age, and the cost of replacement tends to decline with time. So many people do not want to sign up for a long term contract. With this in mind, the latest laptop insurance and computer insurance policies have been developed, such as the 2U Laptop Insurance and 2U Computer Insurance policies.

Duncan Elliott has successfully managed and run the Marketing Dept at and the affiliate system at for the last 6 years.Alys Blog70130
Alix Blog66276

A Guide to Buying a Property in Cyprus


The Cyprus Property Market

Cyprus is one of the more popular real estate markets in the world. Activity in the real estate market in Cyprus is brisk, including foreign nationals who buy and sell real estate Non-Cypriots have been involved in all areas of the real estate market. Foreign nationals have been found to invest in commercial, investment and residential real estate in all areas of the country.

Most industry experts maintain that the real estate market in Cyprus should continue to do a brisk business well into the coming decade. With the entry of Cyprus into the European Union, more and more foreign nationals from EU member states likely will become involved in the Cypriot real estate market.

There are no prohibitions on foreign nationals purchasing real estate in Cyprus. However, and as will be discussed in greater detail shortly, a foreign national must obtain prior permission from a Cypriot governmental agency in advance of making the purchase of real estate in that country. Generally speaking, this approval is relatively easy to obtain -- although the process of obtaining the permission can be rather time consuming

Investment Property in Cyprus

One of the primary areas that foreign nationals have become involved when it comes to real estate investment in Cyprus is in the resort and vacation property arena. Cyprus remains a very popular destination for people on holiday. As a result, foreign nationals have taken to buying apartments, single family residences and hotel properties which in turn are utilized by men and women on holiday.

Over the course of the past decade, a number of foreign nationals have profited dearly through investments in real estate used for vacation or holiday purposes in Cyprus. Indeed, because this type of venture has proven so profitable for some foreign nationals, these men and women have taken to purchasing and investing in multiple property holdings in Cyprus. Again, and has been noted, this is particular true in the area of investment in properties that are intended to be used for vacation or holiday purposes.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Single Family Properties

A significant number of foreign nationals have established second homes and vacation residences in Cyprus over the course of the past thirty years. The trend towards purchasing second residences and holiday homes in Cyprus continues on to this day.

One of the more recent occurrences in regard to holiday or vacation homes in Cyprus involves the creation of significant developments that are designed exclusively for people who want gracious residences on Cyprus. These developments in many instances are taking the form of gated communities for the security conscious foreign national who wants to idle away part of the year in Cyprus.

In addition, some foreign nationals have determined the benefit of purchasing older residences in the country and embarking on improvement and remodeling campaigns to bring them up to date. In some instances, these men and women are rehabbing properties and putting them back on the market -- making nice profits in the process.

Residential Real Estate in Cyprus - Apartments

The Cypriot apartment market is bustling in the 21st century. With Cyprus movement into the EU, a significant number of foreign nationals from other EU nations are finding themselves in the country with some degree of regularity. In this regard, many of these business men and women have turned to spending a significant amount of time in Cyprus each and every year. Rather than hole up in a hotel, these men and women have taken to purchasing apartments in Cyprus.

Some of these business minded people have gone so far as to rent or lease out their apartment properties when they are not in the country on business -- making their apartments an income generating enterprise.

In some resort communities, men and women from foreign countries have purchased apartments for vacation and holiday purposes. There is a wide range of different types of apartments of available for sale in resort areas in Cyprus.

Holiday Property in Cyprus

As referenced previously, vacation real estate sales in Cyprus is brisk business in the 21st century. One area in which foreign nationals have been active in the market is the purchase and ownership of single family, free standing residences on the island. These types of residences generally do come with some fairly hefty price tags.

In addition to larger residences that are being purchased with regularity by foreign nationals, many foreign nationals have taken to purchasing holiday apartments in the country. In some instances, these foreign nationals have turned these types of property into something of a lucrative investment. For example, when they are not in residence in Cyprus, these men and woman are turning around and leasing out these holiday residences to other individuals -- including many foreign nationals -- who then use these residences for their own holiday purposes

Mortgage Options

When considering the options for a mortgage on your overseas property there are a couple of choices to consider;

Do you consider raising finance on your existing property in the UK to cover the whole cost of your purchase abroad? A good idea if the interest rate in the country in question is a lot higher than it is here in the UK as you will pay a lot less in monthly repayments.

Do you secure a mortgage against the property from a local bank in the country of purchase? This can be a wise option especially if the interest rate is lower than our current UK interest rate. Most overseas mortgage / bank lenders will require upto 30% deposit on mortgages. However, you will need to give some thought to how you will service your mortgage payments each month especially if you are not living or earning in that country as you may well lose out on exchanging money each time to cover monthly expenses. Check out our Foreign Currency page to see how you can save money in this example

Some Builders and developers may well offer their own mortgage facilities on their properties for sale. This can be beneficial to both parties depending on the logistics of the mortgage or loan facility. Always check and compare with the two options above before making your final descision.

For more details on Mortgages in Cyprus visit our Mortgage page in the Cyprus section.

Specific steps to buying real estate property in Cyprus

The initial step that a foreign national must take before he or she can purchase real estate in Cyprus is obtaining approval from the government. Specifically, a foreign national must require permission to purchase real estate in the country from the Council of Ministers. A would-be purchaser of real estate in Cyprus needs to keep in mind that the process of obtaining approval from the Council of Ministers can take from between eight to fourteen months. A would-be purchaser also needs to appreciate that if he or she makes the purchase of real estate without the prior approval of the Council of Ministers, a title deed will not be able to issue transferring ownership of the real estate to the foreign national.

While the process of obtaining permission from the Council of Ministers is not a matter of overnight approval, the process itself is not difficult. The Council has taken steps to make the process as easy as possible for a foreign national seeking to purchase real estate in Cyprus. Time consuming in some ways, the application and approval process is not difficult to maneuver through.

Once approval is obtained from the Council of Ministers, the next step in buying real estate in the country -- once a piece of real estate has been identified for purchase -- is signing of the preliminary contract. At the time this agreement is executed, a holding deposit is posted with either a lawyer or a notary.

When the holding deposit is paid, a companion reservation deposit agreement also is executed. In point of fact, it is the deposit and this secondary agreement. The property is then taking off the market and remains in that position for the time spelled out in these agreements. Provided that the terms of the preliminary agreement are satisfied, the property will not return to the marketplace.

The deposit that is lodged in Cyprus normally is as low as 1%. The parties can negotiate a particular deposit amount -- but, in most instances, the standard deposit is in the amount of 1% of the overall purchase price of the real estate that is being sold. The remaining balance due and owing on the overall purchase price will then be due and owing at the time of the execution of the final contract, which will be discussed shortly.

During the period of time that follows the execution of the initial, preliminary agreement, the lawyer who has been appointed to oversee the transaction will investigate the status of the title the real estate through the District Land Registry Office.

Following this period of investigation into the status of the title, and provided that the buyer has obtained appropriate financing, the parties move onward to the execution of a final contract. It is at this juncture that the closing of the real estate transaction in Cyprus becomes rather complex when contrasted with what occurs in many other countries around the world.

When the final contract is signed by the parties, the contract itself is filed with the Land Registry Office to prevent the same piece of real estate from being sold a second time. An application is then made to the Central Bank of Cyprus to approve the transfer of funds for the purchase of the real estate. (This approval is not necessary if both the seller and buyer happen to be foreign nationals. However, it is required if at least one party to the transaction is a Cypriot.)

The title will be transferred to the buyer at this juncture and the buyer will be entitled to possession the real estate. It is important to note that if the real estate is newly developed, the title itself will not issue for upwards to three years after the signing of the final contract. With that said, the buyer is protected because of the filing of the final contract with the District Land Registry Office.

There will be some different taxes due and owing -- and paid by the purchaser -- after the signing of the final contract. However, these taxes are not particularly costly or significant.

Property Abroad always recommends using a Solicitor or Lawyer.

Les Calvert - the Director of often writes articles and information on the overseas property market. Visit their site with useful information and properties for sale in Cyprus Blog57167
Ajay Blog83091

Vocational Schools In New Jersey

Vocational schools can offer you the job training that you need. If you wish to follow a certain profession, the best way to obtain training to qualify you would be through vocational schools. There are various vocational schools nowadays that offer a wide range of vocational education that would help any individual enter into a profession of choice. If you are looking for a vocational school in New Jersey, there are a number of them available for you to choose from.

The Chubb Institute offers IT training that will help prepare and equip you with all the IT skills that you need in as little as eight months. The Chubb Institute has a number of centers available around New Jersey where you may be abler to avail of their popular IT vocational training. DeVry University also offers a number of vocational courses set to make you more proficient in your profession. PC Age also offers vocational training on IT for you on three of its centers in New Jersey.

Before you take any vocational course on any school in New Jersey, you first have to check on a number of things to make sure that you are making the right decision. Try to consider if you really need additional training or education for the job that you want. It can also be possible that the skills that you will need can be learned at work. Also, some companies offer educational programs through their apprenticeships or on-the-job training. You might want to check this out to see if you can avail of this opportunity.

Try also checking out training alternatives available from community colleges. Such colleges may be able to provide you with the training that you need at less tuition than at private institutions.

Try also comparing programs from different vocational schools. Try to study the information that they provide to learn what they require from students to graduate. Try to know what you will be getting when you graduate. Would they be giving you a certificate in your chosen field or eligibility for a clinical or other externship to further your knowledge? Are the credits that you earn at the school transferable to other schools?

Find out as much as you can about the school's facilities apart from the courses that they offer. Ask about the types of equipment they have available for students and see if they are up to par in giving the quality of training that you are looking for. Try visiting the school to see them for yourself. Ask to see the classrooms and workshops that they have available for their students use.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Vocational Schools & other useful information, please visit http://vocational-schools.articlekeep.comCassandre Blog66160
Cecile Blog89172

Basic Home Security

Home security is on everyones minds these days, as we Americans are feeling more and more vulnerable in our homes, neighborhoods, cities, and even our country. Do what you can to secure your own little part of the world by increasing your home security.

Nowadays, deadbolts and a Doberman arent enough. Sophisticated criminals get past such home security measures, and violent criminals know how to bypass your basic home security. You have to fight to keep them out. Home Security Stores gives you the defenses and the weapons to protect your castle.

The Statistics

It may shock you to know that more than 40 percent of break-ins occur during the day, in broad daylight. Criminals know when you are away at work or school, and they take that chance to smash-n-grab. Secure your home 24 hours a day, seven days a week, because you never know when a criminal will strike.

Basic Home Security

Though basic home security may not be enough, it should not be ignored. Protecting your home starts with three basic home security measures: lock up, yard word, and light up.

1) Lock Up

Begin by installing sturdy locks on all your doors and windows. It may be tempting to leave the door unlocked when you are home, or to leave the window open on a hot night, but that is poor home security. Home security common sense requires you to remain vigilant at all times, and that includes properly securing yourself in your home.

2) Do Some Yard Work

Next, trim back bushes from lower windows. Criminals can easily hide in bushes and break in through windows. Trees provide problems as well, so cut tree limbs that create easy access to upper stories. The thought of someone scaling a tree to break into your home may seem implausible, but it happens. Total home security is a must, no matter how unlikely something seems to you.

3) Light Up

Finally, put the criminal in the spotlight -- literally. Light up your property with motion sensor lights or flood lights that leave criminals nowhere to hide. Home security starts by making criminals NOT want to break into your home. Shedding some light on the matter may be enough to drive them away.

Three Best Home Security Options

But what if this criminal is particularly determined to get past your basic home security? Not to fear, because technological advances have made home security into a powerful art form.

Home Security Stores offer a wide variety of methods to protect your home and family. Home security can mean alarms, locks, motion sensors, safes, and personal safety devices.

Option 1: Alarms

When we hear the term home security, alarms are what we might think of first. Whether wired or wireless, home security alarm systems are a major deterrent for criminals. They monitor points of entry, such as doors and windows, or they monitor for motion when the home should be empty.

Motion Sensor Home Security

Motion sensor home security monitors and detects when unauthorized motion occurs in what should be an empty home. Modern motion sensor home security can even distinguish between a pet and a criminal, making this method of home security even more effective and dependable. Install a motion sensor home security alarm system in your home and know you have no unwelcome guests.

Window Break Home Security

Windows are a popular point of entry because they are made of breakable glass. But there are home security devices that can detect when that glass is broken, setting off an alarm and scaring away the intruder.

Option 2: Motion Sensor Floodlights

Weve already suggested good lighting around the exterior of your home, but you can save some energy by installing home security motion sensor floodlights that only come on when motion is detected. Security professionals highly recommend floodlights as a criminal deterrent.

Option 3: Security Cameras

How about having your home guarded 24/7 by a watchful eye? Security cameras, which are popular with merchants and other businesses, are fast becoming popular home security devices as well. A home security camera system monitors and records activities going on anywhere around your house. You can monitor a live feed or secretly tape whats going on when you are away from home. Cameras act as an excellent deterrent and are extremely useful in the prosecution of criminals. Home security cameras catch them in the act.

So Many More Options

You have many options in home security. Complete home security means securing your home from more than just intruders. Protect yourself and your family from a variety of emergencies with:

Smoke Alarms
Heat Sensors
Fireproof Safes
Freeze Alarms
Temperature Sensors
Water Alarms
Water Sensors
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Personal Safety Alarms
Pepper Spray
Animal Repellent
Panic Buttons
Guide Lights
Voice Dialers
Biometric Readers
Wireless Intercoms

Home security is big business these days. Follow our simple guidelines and youll have peace of mind and comfort in your home.

Ralph Winn has over 32 years of experience in the security industry. Throughout his career, he has developed cost effective security programs for numerous small, medium, large commercial and government properties and for many nationally known corporations. http://www.homesecuritystore.comAnna Blog84593
Catlee Blog21808

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